The Trustees will only consider applications from individuals or groups who in their opinion most clearly demonstrate an intention to further the advancement of Peace espoused by George MacLeod. The application will also have to prove that the individual/group objective will be achieved in a tightly controlled and cost effective fashion.

The Trustees will meet once a year on the Friday closest to the 17th of June (George MacLeod's birthday) to assess all requests.

All applications must be made on ONE SIDE OF A4 and must be written using the following headings:-

Name of Organisation and its aims.
Contact name and address and e-mail (if appropriate)
Reason for application and how the money used will be monitored
Agreement to send a report to the Trust at the end of the proposed project

This to be either e-mailed through the address below or sent direct to

Sue Hunter
The George MacLeod Trust
Quartermile Two
2 Lister Square

To apply - please click here

All applications must be received by the 31st of May at 12 noon.

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